Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Stoner Chic?

     You may have noticed the increasing nods in pop culture towards a pro-cannabis lifestyle.  In other words, I know you saw that episode of Parenthood where Peter gets high off of a medicinal lollipop or every episode in which his boss is stoned.  How about on 90210? Recently the surfer girl character Ivy started smoking pot to help her deal with stress.  So is that what this is all about? Stress? Perhaps not even stress but depression.  Statistics say that 80 percent of people who are clinically depressed do not seek treatment and about 9.5 percent of the adult population alone in the U.S. is clinically seeking treatment.  AND a whopping 54% believe depression to be a sign of personal weakness.  So is it easier to smoke a joint or two?  Increasing alcohol intake certainly would not be an option it would land you either in AA or in a fatal car accident.  Maybe like alcohol it is becoming more acceptable in our society to smoke marijuana.  Just like last night's episode of Gossip Girl in which Raina Thorpe smokes her first joint with Nate Archibald.  Or any guest appearance of Snoop Dogg on any show including Martha Stewart living....Or when Cameron Diaz was recently promoting her movie The Green Hornet with known pothead Seth Rogan, she admitted to buying pot in highschool.  What do you think?  Is it chic to be shaggy?

In this story: top from urban outfitters (48.00), reversible alpaca poncho from overstock.com (85.99)

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